Poor Céline Dion has to deal with a devastating First World problem – and it's a titanic problem (Ouch!), potentially far more upsetting than the awareness that very few people spell her first name correctly.
The music legend tells ET that she doesn't take the criticism personally.
Her reaction is definitely first world. Believe it or not, I don't follow her, but I read the article, and she does look unhealthy thin, and it does seem to be markedly different than the way she's looked for the previous 25 years or so. Her response is to say she works out, and she had baby fat when she was a child, both bullshit statements.
And the media uses the first world term "body shaming". If I tell someone they look like they're dying, there's no shame, it's genuine concern for their health. James Corden pulled the same "body shaming" crap on Bill Maher. Bill did a piece about the devastating health consequences and medical costs of obesity. And he said that "fat acceptance" was contributing to the epidemic. Again, no body shaming, just pointing out the facts.