Happy new year. Time to add any artists that I now like five songs from, starting with...
Limp Bizkit
Genre: rap metal
Discovered: Their cover of "Faith", which I hate.
Other: Honestly, not a fan of this group. I think most of their music sucks and they're a big part of why rap metal went from cool & cutting edge to being a joke. But they finally came out with a fifth song I like (#4 below), so I guess they qualify.
1. Take A Look Around
2. Break Stuff
3. Nookie
4. Out Of Style
5. Gimme The Mic
Limp Bizkit

Genre: rap metal
Discovered: Their cover of "Faith", which I hate.
Other: Honestly, not a fan of this group. I think most of their music sucks and they're a big part of why rap metal went from cool & cutting edge to being a joke. But they finally came out with a fifth song I like (#4 below), so I guess they qualify.
1. Take A Look Around
2. Break Stuff
3. Nookie
4. Out Of Style
5. Gimme The Mic