I dunno…… Did you look at the picture?She.
Don't know with that bone structure of a face and last name. I'm with Hectic.I dunno…… Did you look at the picture?
Why, yes. Yes it is.Is this the People Are Stupid Farking Idiots thread?
I haven't seen it. Does it involve looking up?There was a CNN article on how to look at the moon. Are people really this stupid?
That would be my assumption.I haven't seen it. Does it involve looking up?
Not walking into trees is harder to do when you have your head pointed upwards looking at the moon. Clearly such an article is needed.Fascinating insights from Shannon Schmoll!
Supermoons are observable to the naked eye and do not require a particular location for viewing. Throughout the night, the moon will rise higher until just before sunrise. Shannon Schmoll, director of Abrams Planetarium at Michigan State University, said if the sky is free of clouds and you have a clear view, you will be able to see the moon. “It’s bright enough that you don’t need to go anywhere special,” and visible right after the sun sets, she said.
In the next installment, an arborist will explain how to avoid walking into trees!