Hehe, Dook. I wish I knew that version of Ricardo. how many bubble baths we could have had.
It sounds like Tony's relatives should hang with Richard and his wife.
In separate rooms during the big game, of course.
Hehe, Dook. I wish I knew that version of Ricardo. how many bubble baths we could have had.
I read that as policeman stole $600 worth of beer & shrimp.
That's a different story.
Nora put on the wax and then started to rip off the hair. Richard was moaning and groaning because he didn't know she was about to start. Gary said that it ripped out all of the hair and it was as clean as a baby's bottom. Nora did a few more rips and Richard was yelling in pain. He was also starting to bleed a little bit. Nora warned him that she was going to get closer to the shaft. She started to do that and Richard was screaming out in pain even more. She pulled some hair off the sides of his shaft and then applied more wax to rip the hair off. She didn't hesitate at all and kept Richard screaming out in pain over and over again.
Artie said that Richard looked like a giant baby sitting there screaming and kicking his legs around. Nora pulled the hair off of Richard's balls and it sounded like it hurt worse than any of the other pulls. Richard wanted to keep going because he wanted to get it over with. He was in a lot of pain when she pulled the ball hair off. Howard asked him if he wanted to stop. Richard just wanted to get it over with. The noises that were coming out of Richard were pretty funny so Howard and Artie were laughing their asses off. It was the ball sack that was really painful.
Jeff The Drunk has another CD named "You Skanky Ho Ho Ho" (it's a holiday album). But I can't find any art from it.A CD for the ages
Jeff The Drunk has another CD named "You Skanky Ho Ho Ho" (it's a holiday album). But I can't find any art from it.