Work Gripes


Release Robin's Bra
Oct 11, 2008
So as the property manager of my place I'm happy. In 1 shift, if I work somewhat hard, I can see noticeable results which is nice.

But on my day off (Yea I basically work 6 day weeks now. I like the OT and I don't really love leaving my property for 2 full days cause it can go to shit real quick w/o me there) the "relief managers" as their called like to text and call me about freaking everything. I guess I'd rather (be skiing) they do that then just f everything up in my absence but it is kinda annoying.

I'm pretty sure it's only gonna get worse when I live there. I will have to set clear boundaries. There will be no knocking on my door for random shit when I'm off.
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Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, Ohio
I’m busy as hell at the new job. It‘s good busy, but it’s tiring. This office does annual performance reviews. I HATE those damned things.
I don’t have any freaking goals, I don’t want any freaking goals.
Get out of my way and let me do my farking job.

I am looking else where, just in case.
Good luck Wolf. People are hiring right now.
It can’t hurt to look.


Sherbet is NOT and NEVER WILL BE ice cream.
Oct 11, 2008
Toronto, ON
I’m busy as hell at the new job. It‘s good busy, but it’s tiring. This office does annual performance reviews. I HATE those damned things.
I don’t have any freaking goals, I don’t want any freaking goals.
Get out of my way and let me do my farking job.
I hate them too. I remember a dilbert where Wally said his goal was to drink more coffee. Do you get goals cascaded down from 500 levels of management?
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Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, Ohio
Pretty much.

I just want to survive with either dignity or grace, design some buildings, and make it to retirement.

That, and I want to slap someone like Will Smith did during a meeting, and get away with it.
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All I wanted was some steak
Feb 13, 2009
I hate them too. I remember a dilbert where Wally said his goal was to drink more coffee. Do you get goals cascaded down from 500 levels of management?
We just had our 2nd major merger in the 38 short years I've been there. The first one was in the late 90s, and the recent one was 2 years ago, but the changes are just now rolling out. The goals situation is actually better this year, because they didn't have the goals-process software ready ahead of time. So it wasn't a big deal this year; just get something down, and send it along.

In our previous iteration, they funneled all these corporate/business-unit goals down to us, and it auto populated into our individual list, which seems dumb. And then we'd have to add our personal business goals, by basically copying/pasting from previous years, and just change the project names.

I'm sure you already know this, but pretty-much every change they've made to the work performance process over the years, has been done for one purpose - to cover their asses. We used to have performance reviews that consisted of actual hand-written sentences from our managers. But if you got canned and claimed some sort of bias, they had nothing to back it up. Now everything is documented, and the employee is forced to say they will do x, y, and z; so they can say you didn't meet your goals, or that they weren't enough of a stretch.

Same thing with people providing input. Used to be, whoever you did work for - whether it was your manager, or another project lead, or a coworker - would be known to your manager, and would be asked to provide a review of your work. But people claimed bias, such as "you didn't talk to the guy I did most of my work for", or "that guy doesn't like me, so I wouldn't ask him". So now they have us submit a list of people you did work for, during the course of the year. Sounds good, right? Except they force us to list a certain number of people, even if we worked on only 1 thing all year. Because they want to cover their asses, so you can't claim that person x is out for you.

That, and I want to slap someone like Will Smith did during a meeting, and get away with it.
Some of the things I've witnessed over the years, includes a coworker calling another coworker a "big-haired bimbo" in front of a conference room full of people - without consequence; and a low-level manager throwing a steel chair at a higher-level manager - without consequence (because the high-level guy was a dick).
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Mar 28, 2016
When I started working here in 1999, they had a bulletin they'd hand out to all employees of latest news (we installed this new piece of equipment, we won this award, etc). It was written by the owner.

Soon after my hire, my name was on the front page as a new hire. It said something like "...comes to us from his previous job, cover boy at XY Magazine." I asked my boss what that meant. He took me out to the presses and gave me a copy.

XY is a gay men's magazine which has been published in the United States since 1996. XY started as a gay male youth-oriented magazine and social network.

Click for a sample cover page (SFW)

I looked at him like, "Where the hell am I?" He brought me back to our office and showed me the previous issue that included the announcement of his hiring. It said something like, " an expert in Microsoft. I personally wouldn't want to be associated with anything 'micro' or 'soft'..." The newsletter was aproximately 70% making fun of people. Especially those who had just quit. That's where it got the most harsh.

A few years later I heard through the grapevine that the law firm we use finally convinced him to stop. But in 2015 he brought it back for four more issues. Each article had a letter in front of it. The first page of the first one explained that an "H" in front of an article meant "humor" and was "not to be taken seriously".

Page 2 of the first 'revival' issue is attached to this post.


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All I wanted was some steak
Feb 13, 2009
When I started working here in 1999, they had a bulletin they'd hand out to all employees of latest news (we installed this new piece of equipment, we won this award, etc). It was written by the owner.

Soon after my hire, my name was on the front page as a new hire. It said something like "...comes to us from his previous job, cover boy at XY Magazine." I asked my boss what that meant. He took me out to the presses and gave me a copy.

XY is a gay men's magazine which has been published in the United States since 1996. XY started as a gay male youth-oriented magazine and social network.

Click for a sample cover page (SFW)

I looked at him like, "Where the hell am I?" He brought me back to our office and showed me the previous issue that included the announcement of his hiring. It said something like, " an expert in Microsoft. I personally wouldn't want to be associated with anything 'micro' or 'soft'..." The newsletter was aproximately 70% making fun of people. Especially those who had just quit. That's where it got the most harsh.

A few years later I heard through the grapevine that the law firm we use finally convinced him to stop. But in 2015 he brought it back for four more issues. Each article had a letter in front of it. The first page of the first one explained that an "H" in front of an article meant "humor" and was "not to be taken seriously".

Page 2 of the first 'revival' issue is attached to this post.
I figure you work for a relatively small business, because none of that "humor" would fly otherwise.
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Mar 28, 2016
Family owned for 3 generations, going on 4th soon.

One of my first vendor meetings was the owner and two people from another company looking for our business (a male and a female). The lady was wearing something that subtly signified she's wiccan. He pointed it out and then asked her if she boils potions in a big cauldron.

When I saw "a coworker calling another coworker a "big-haired bimbo" in front of a conference room full of people" it reminded me of dozens of things our owner has said similar, and usually much worse.


All I wanted was some steak
Feb 13, 2009
When I saw "a coworker calling another coworker a "big-haired bimbo" in front of a conference room full of people" it reminded me of dozens of things our owner has said similar, and usually much worse.
I should've clarified that, aside from the fact that I work for a big corporation, the exclamation was not made in jest (like your examples); it was during a heated argument about how a project should be executed. Likewise, the chair-throwing incident happened during a much more heated argument.


Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, Ohio
I'm sure you already know this, but pretty-much every change they've made to the work performance process over the years, has been done for one purpose - to cover their asses. We used to have performance reviews that consisted of actual hand-written sentences from our managers. But if you got canned and claimed some sort of bias, they had nothing to back it up. Now everything is documented, and the employee is forced to say they will do x, y, and z; so they can say you didn't meet your goals, or that they weren't enough of a stretch.
Exactly. It also gives them an easy out when someone complains about not getting a promotion or raise. “Oh….hey…so sorry……you didn’t meet your goal of using 40% less printer paper……You we’re only at 37%.….
Maybe next year…..

Some of the things I've witnessed over the years, includes a coworker calling another coworker a "big-haired bimbo" in front of a conference room full of people - without consequence; and a low-level manager throwing a steel chair at a higher-level manager - without consequence (because the high-level guy was a dick).
Soon after my hire, my name was on the front page as a new hire. It said something like "...comes to us from his previous job, cover boy at XY Magazine."
At least he thought you were good looking enough to be on the cover. Did you show them Blue Steel?
I should've clarified that, aside from the fact that I work for a big corporation, the exclamation was not made in jest (like your examples); it was during a heated argument about how a project should be executed. Likewise, the chair-throwing incident happened during a much more heated argument.


Release Robin's Bra
Oct 11, 2008
I am currently 8 days deep into a 14 straight day workweek. But this isn't really a gripe. My boss needed me for a couple days and I asked to work the other 2 days so I can get a ton of OT.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2008
Work sucks for me right now. The company I work for hardly has any work coming in.

I am looking else where, just in case.

I been keeping this in me for nearly a week. When I posted that last week. I almost knew something was coming up and I was right. The damn company let me go.

Good luck Wolf. People are hiring right now.
It can’t hurt to look.

I sent my resume out to like over 20 companies and I only got couple of responses. One job sounded great and I was all set for an interview and then they almost forgot to mention "Oh the position is in Flagstaff." I live in Phoenix and I'm not driving 2 hours there and back everyday!

For the fun of it, I applied for a position I normally don't go for and thinking I almost have enough years experience in it a project manager. Well the company liked my resume and I went for the interview. They were impressed by me and believe I could have potential become a project manager someday. Couple days went by and the company offered me a position as "Job Captain" I never heard of this role. I would lead the BIM team and oversea some projects and as things grow. The company will train me and potentially become a "Project Manager" one day.

I start this Monday for an architectural firm, so move over Hectic. :p

In the meantime, I been relaxing at home. Working on a few projects around the house and playing with my one year old pup.


Release Robin's Bra
Oct 11, 2008
I see a new square watch in your future.

Haha. They did just release a new, 4 grand version of the square. It's the Mr-G version. However I still like the 1.5 grand version better. That one is still my grail watch. Really the only thing I like better abt rhe 4k one is that the bracelet is more scratch resistant. The bezel is cooler too but it's not as true to the OG Square.