With his death coming so close to the election, Turner’s name will appear on the general election ballot, the secretary of state’s office said. His lone November challenger, an independent candidate, recently withdrew from the race. Write-in candidates have until Friday to file for the seat, but otherwise a special election will be needed to fill the seat, the secretary of state’s office said.
I had no idea Peewee football took recovery time so seriously.
Also that really sucks for the parents. Sad is right. Imagine your your baby gets blown up while you're sitting there waiting for him in the hospital? That would absolutely be something where there is no chance of recovery. You just live the rest of your life as a broken fucking person.
We had a great time in Costa Rica. It was between 91 and 93 each day, with nearly full sun, and no rain. We did 3 excursions, including a 9-run zipline.
But the one that got to me the most was an all-day event at a national park with a volcano. There were 3 hikes; one was to a waterfall in this giant pit. We had to descend an open-stepped staircase that was suspended by ropes. Only 2 people are allowed at a time on the stairs. It doesn't look especially bad from the top view, until you see it from below. I did it, but I really didn't want to.
A firefighter driving his department vehicle was swept into the ocean in Malibu when caught by a wild mudslide as fire-ravaged sections of Los Angeles were pounded by a powerful rain storm.
I've got a finite number of stories so I've probably told this before....
But my uncle spent his whole career as a fireman he went from whatever you are when you first get the job all the way to assistant chief and then Chief.
So one time I asked him what was the most traumatic shit he had to deal with when he was actually running into burning buildings.
He told me that he's like 70 something years old now and he still has like shitty dreams about this.... One time he was pulling a person out of a building and the person was like horribly burned and when your skin is horribly burned and you try to pull them by the arms the burnt skin peels off the bone like fried Chicken.
So that's pretty gross and horrible. You're all welcome for now having that image in your heads.
Come on man. That's like saying don't eat the Apple or don't push this button....
So how do you know?
Also when (and I'm talking about my dad two days in a row now) he died and he was on the floor next to his bed the side laying on the floor was warm cuz that's like where all the blood pools when gravity takes over after your heart stops pumping.
So that was gross. But not as gross as my uncle's fireman arm thing.